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Aye lads and lassies, just 18 days left till November 22. What is the importance of November 22nd, you ask? Wait, of course you don't ask because YOU KNOW. We all have this engraved in our minds, the importance of this day. It is when the long-awaited sequel to the Hunger Games movie comes out: Catching Fire! It is, perhaps, one of the greatest book to movie adaptations I've seen since the Harry Potter series. The trailers and screenshots have me anticipating the movie and it's story line. Yes, yes I understand an author has no rights, unless given, to order about the movie set. It's like when a pirate create a map to treasure. We may have created it but the adventure others undertake on its instructions are purely there own. The journey at most will not differ, yet it also will not be the exact same one. It is always unique to see another's take on a book. See how far they fall into the world of the book, how much they actually understand it. Gary Ross had quite a task ahead of him when he took the Hunger Games movie as his project but he accomplished it with grace and elegance beyond words. Judging by the teasers, I suspect Mr. Francis Lawrence is up to par, if not better, than the first movie. I've seen his others works "I am Legend" and "Water for Elephant" (Both excellent movies, and I can't judge the book-adaptation for "Water for Elephants" for I haven't YET read the book, but I will soon. The movies have made this Captain cry up a storm to rival that of Neptune, though.) I look forward to Catching Fire. I will be docking the Jolly Anne for a midnight screening of the movie. Be sure to expect my review of it as well as a Book vs. Movie post, dearies.
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-Captain Kaelyn
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